
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

My findings of deep research on the benefits of turmeric and Zedoary (Kachoor)

Ubqari Magazine - September 2015

After a few weeks, my neighbour told me that he was really shocked to see that the old wrestler was sitting down on the mat and praying while it was almost impossible for him before to even sit in the chair or moving around and now he was sitting down on the mat over the ground.

Dear Readers! I bring forth the pearls of wisdom for all of you and never hide them. You should also be generous and share your experiences. (Editor Hakeem Mohammed Tariq Mahmud Majzoobi Chughtai)

Every herb which comes with its root is relatively more potent. This is also true for the vegetables which are in the root form like turnips, radish and carrot etc and they are more energetic as compared to those vegetables which grow like fruit. Turmeric is basically a root and same is the case with zedoary. These are available quite cheap so we ignore their benefits and we are more attracted towards the colourful packing of pills and capsules. I would like here to mention a short incident which will change your point of view and is shocking too.

A man came to see me who was a wrestler before and had spent whole of his life in the wrestling ring. When he grew old he started suffering from his knees, back and almost the entire body. He had to take so many pain killers which affected his liver, kidney and stomach severely. He met a sincere doctor who asked him to leave those medicines immediately. He met me in some marriage ceremony in a mosque where everyone was sitting on the ground while he was sitting in a chair. He dragged his chair close to me with a great deal of struggle and told all about his past and the current state. I had also heard high about him. I suggested him as follows: ‘Take 50 grams of turmeric and zedoary. Make sure these are in the whole form and then grind them yourself. Mix them well and then pour half a teaspoon in one cup of milk and drink it sip by sip. You should also add up to a spoon of butter or butter ghee. You can take it three times a day and can take more than one cup at a time but you should take it regularly.’

I asked him to contact me after a few weeks. He was so happy that I had suggested a very cheap treatment for him and assured me to use it as suggested. After some time I met one of his neighbour who told me that he saw the wrestler sitting on the floor and praying while a short while ago it was impossible for him to even sit in the chair and moving around. The neighbour then told me that he had actually used the turmeric and zedoary tip and it was so effective that he felt his back, knees, muscles and the entire body like of a youthful boy. He felt like all his youthful powers were coming back and he felt like he could sit and walk around without pain. The sitting and standing remained no more a problem for him like it was before. Then the old wrestler came to see me after a couple of months or so and he was wearing traditional wrestler clothes and a special turban, a garland of precious stones around his neck and with grown moustache. He appeared to be quite satisfied and he expressed his desire to embrace me sooner he came close to me. I stood up and let him fulfil his wish. He demonstrated all his power and embraced me so tightly that I could hardly breathe. I whispered in his ears to leave me as I had to treat him further and make him more youthful. Upon this, he gave a loud laud and freed me then he sat in the chair that I had placed there for him. He told me that he used the medicine three times a day but as he needed a high dose so he used a tablespoon of the medicine in a big bowl of milk and after using it for three weeks, he felt much better than before. He was satisfied that his back, muscle, knees and the whole body turned better than before. It was that sense of satisfaction which brought him to see me again. He was so passionate the he was kissing my hands and forehead again and again. Then he shared something which increased my knowledge as well. He said that he was eleven at the time of partition and was quite wise at that tender age. They were quite poor although his grandfather was also a wrestler but he was suffering from the same ailments like he was. One day a Hindu beggar came at his door who used to be a Vedic expert at some time. When my grand dad went out to give him some flour then he realised his bad health and gave him a yellow powder. The he told my granddad to take it with a bit of ghee and milk and asked him if he benefitted from it then he would come again and would give him the same thing. The granddad started using it and it produced a wave of vitality in his body that even stunned him. The medicine finished after a few days and he was really benefitted. Now he started waiting for the Hindu Vedic expert and after a month or so the same guy came again. The granddad rushed to see him and brought him in. Then he gave him one fine suit, a pair of shoes, a handkerchief and some grocery and requested him for one more dose. He could not even imagine that a poor old wrestler living in the interior city could give him such huge gifts. The beggar said that he actually belonged to Assam (A place in India) and he would come to Lahore after 2-3 years. Then from the earning that he made from him he would visit other cities and then he would visit each city after sometime. As he had gifted him so many things so he thought of reciprocating him by revealing on to him about the miraculous treatment and it was none other than the turmeric and zedoary. I was so enlightened to hear these things from the wrestler’s mouth and it reminded me of so many wonderful experiences that I had with some other patients.

Then I started prescribing the same powder for the chronic stomach patients, who had developed ulcers in their intestines and the drunkards and some restaurant lovers who had spoiled their digestive system from the spicy foods. I also tried it on those, who had joint pains, muscular pains or those suffering from the pains all day and night. I found it quite effective for those with stiff necks and shoulders, pain in the legs who were always jerking their legs and arms so that anyone could massage them all night, the ladies with the backache and especially for the pregnant women. After conception, if the pregnant woman takes it 2-3 times a day with warm milk for a few weeks will solve many of her upcoming problems. It is also a great secret for curing the chronic leucorrhoea. It has even worked wonders for the heart patients with circulatory problems, raised cholesterol, urea and uric acid. Dear readers! You should also give it a try as I have tried it myself too. This is one of the biggest secret that I have and I am revealing it to you as no one knows when he might die and I like to share my secrets with the millions of my readers before I leave the world . You should also be generous and hurriedly share your experiences and please also provide your feedback when you use this treatment. 

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